About the SCIO

What is the SCIO and how does it work?

The SCIO is designed to correct the manifestation of stress and/or electro-stress patterns within the individual at a physiological level. The device works on the theory that stress disrupts the inherent electromagnetic frequencies at which the body’s cells resonate and that by returning these frequencies to their natural state, the stress and any subsequent illness that occurred, are occurring or may be occurring because of this disruption may be reduced.

Life itself is about energy flow because everyone runs on electrical energy. We are all energy beings. Since the 1930s, scientists have discovered that all forms of life resonate or vibrate at particular frequencies. Everything - all our tissues, cells, organs, emotions and thought patterns have their own unique electro-magnetic fields, as do allergens, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Therefore imbalances that reside in our bodies and minds can be detectable and reduced via the correction of their particular electro-magnetic fields.

Healthy tissue will respond in a predictable way, while unhealthy tissues will conduct pulses differently, producing different readings. Traumatized, inflamed or degenerative tissue all produce different readings compared to the client’s baseline norm. Thus in the cybernetic loop, the SCIO measures the body electric and produces feedback for wound healing, pain reduction, relaxation and stress reduction through electrical stimulation. The SCIO works in a naturopathic manner to stimulate and harness the powerful self-healing ability of the human system. All interactions take place within the body’s natural electrical parameters. The device focuses on stress reduction and can provide information on the possible origins of stress and disease throughout the body.

As the SCIO biofeedback device measures your body it is usually required or advised to have follow up appointments. Through this we can see what is improving.

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